Nightwatchjs build
What|Why is Nightwatch.js?
Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites. It uses the powerful Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements. (c)
I used Nightwatch.js for E2E testing script modules. I really liked option quick setup environment based on Node.js + write javascript test cases + use bash scripts(Node.js/javascript) for automatization run process. In this post I make detail description how setup Nightwatch.js on OS X platform.
Nightwatch.js Goals:
- Crossbrowsers
- Easy setup writing test process(Javascript, CSS, XPath)
- Good documentation
Let’s overview logic shceme how Nightwatch works with Selenium server and Browsers:
*Tests and bin directories in example build setup.
Here details setup description step by step for Mac OS X. TODO work build:
1.Install/update for latest version Java
After successful installed you can verify Java version online by java applet. Also check Java SDK.
- Install/update for latest version Node.js. Check my previos post for Node.js setup.
- Download latest Selenium Standalone Server
3.Download chromedriver for your OS.
4.Download Nightwatch.js from oficial website.
Build Files structure
5.Make new project folder, for example “nightwathjs_screenshot”. Create new folders: bin, tests. Copy/paste files: Selenium standalone Server, chrome driver, in bin directory. Extract(unzip)
In bin directory keep all “run” files: drivers, original nightwatch.js arhive, selenium server and etc.
Screenshots directory for screenshots images.
In tests - tests cases files.
Npm install
6.Open in terminal folder “/nightwathjs_screenshot/bin/nightwatch-0.9.0” and run command:
Selenium server
7.For start test cases need run Selenium server with chrome webdriver. Open “/nightwathjs_screenshot/bin/” folder in terminal and run command:
@selenium server run example
— Alex (@4dbpr) June 11, 2016
In terminal windows start seleneium server(“Selenium Server is up and running”), for stop this process can use “control + c”. For next steps you need open new “tab” in terminal - “control + r”.
For check Selenium server status use API url - http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=getLogMessages
Also can stop Selenium server - http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer
8.Depending upon startup point Nightwatch.js used configuration file. By default used configuration from Nightwatch.js - “nightwathjs_screenshot/bin/nightwatch-0.9.0/bin/nightwatch.json”. Let’s make new file nightwatch.json in main folder “nightwathjs_screenshot”:
Detail configuration documentation.
Write and run tests
9.Let’s write first test file for Nightwatch.js. It navigates to and searches for nightwatch, * verifying if the term ‘The Night Watch’ exists in the search results. In “nightwathjs_screenshot/tests” folder make new file google.js:
For run this test file open terminal in “nightwatchjs_screenshot” folder and use command:
- ./bin/nightwatch-0.8.18/bin/nightwatch - path for nightwatch executable file –test - additional params, run specific test file. If in project used another version of nightwatch need update this command from “nightwatch-0.9.0” for “nightwatch-x.x.x” or folder name what used in project.
- tests/google.js - path for file
@nightwatchjs test run example
— Alex (@4dbpr) June 11, 2016
Now you can write and run your test. On the end of the post can find Links for most helpfull nightwatchs resources.
Final file’s structures:
In additional you can check two my two favorite test examples:
For this test case need folder “nightwathjs_screenshot/screenshots”, for save screenshot images.
- Nightwatch.js -
- Gitub wiki nightwatch.js -
- Google group -!forum/nightwatchjs
- Drivers for Selenium -
- Selenium server -